Confidentiality Policy
a. Communication between a peer and Peer Support Mentor within the program is to remain confidential at all times.
b. No records identifying employees who utilize the program will be maintained.
c. Peer Support Mentors shall not discuss information obtained while acting in the peer support capacity with anyone except:
i. The mental health professional the peer is referred too if permission is obtained from the peer to share information.
ii. When seeking guidance from a mental health professional or Program Coordinator however no information shall be used to identify the peer when seeking guidance.
d. Communication between a peer and Peer Support Mentor within the program that does NOT fall within the confidentiality guidelines are:
i. Peer is a danger to self or others
1. If the peer is an immediate threat to themselves or others do not leave them alone and contact law enforcement to assist with getting the peer to safety and help.
ii. Suspected child abuse or factual information supporting elderly abuse.
1. As representative of Fauquier County fire and Rescue, the Peer Support Mentor has an obligation to report any child abuse or elderly abuse to the Department of Social Services.
iii. Domestic violence
1. If there is factual information to think the peer is involved in a domestic violence situation, the Peer Support Mentor shall make notification to the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction where the suspected violence has taken place.
2. The Peer Support Mentor will make the peer aware that this type of information cannot be held in confidence and the appropriate authorities will be notified.
iv. Information required by law or policy to be divulge.
1. Examples- the peer admits to drinking before reporting for their work shift or they admit to using illegal narcotics on their days off, even if at the time of conversation both the peer and Peer Support Mentor are not on duty. This violates county policy and must be reported.
2. Any divulged violations of county policy the Peer Support Mentor shall notify the Fauquier County Duty Officer.
v. Peer has given consent to divulge